Virdesi Privacy

If you have purchased, or are planning to purchase, a Virdesi app, you may be interested in the Virdesi privacy policy concerning app usage. The Virdesi privacy policy is short and straightforward.

Virdesi is thankful you are now, or may become, a paid customer. Thank you!

Virdesi is interested in providing you, our customer, a great product.

Virdesi is not interested in collecting any data about you through the use of a Virdesi app. This is due to Virdesi believing your information is YOUR information.

If a Virdesi app requires access to an accessory, the app will request your permission to access the accessory. If you allow the app permission to use an accessory, the app will not collect any data from the use of the accessory. If you deny the app permission to use an accessory, the app will respect your decision to not access the accessory.